Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Bikini Bike Wash Update!

Just like I said, there were bikes, babes, and beer, but that's not all . . .

Here is a picture of myself and Tina (your professional washers) with owner Brian outside Sidetracks Cafe in Lakewood. Thank you for all of your support Sidetracks Cafe!

To get warmed up, I practiced on my Trans Am that morning.

Tina cleans up the chrome before this biker rides off into the mystic.

The leaf blower was an excellent idea, Mike! You were a terrific host!

Sure, sure, we wash cars and trucks too . . .

. . . and always with a smile!

Tina detailing away were her magic bottle of Simple Green!

Autographing my $500 bill for the Sidetracks wall - doesn't Mike have any idea what I can create with a Sharpie?

Tina cools down more hott chrome on this Harley Davidson underneath the chilly wash tent.

Nic knows it always important to spray from the top down . . .

We hope to see you at the next bike / car bikini wash in July! Maybe I will be lucky enough to see my wish list bike at the next one?