Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Nicole McClain Top Ten Model Moves Up to Third Place

A sincere THANK YOU to all of you who voted for me in the Bikini Auditions competition last month. I'm excited to tell you about some great news! Thanks to all of your votes and support, I have moved up from 9th place to 3rd place for the state of Arizona! That's right, 3rd place! Thank you for your emails, support and votes. This is great news, thanks to all of you.

I am competing again this month for first place so please continue to vote at Bikini Auditions! One vote PER DAY Per IP Address. This means you can vote once each day from the same computer OR vote as many times as you want in a day (as long as you use different computers).


"The "Top Ten" are chosen models voted by viewers from around the World and represent the State of Arizona's Most Voted Bikini Models. Votes are updated on the 29th of every month at 06:00 am EST with the most voted moving up.You can vote for me by visiting Bikini Auditions and clicking on "vote for me" underneath my picture - be sure your vote is counted! I appreciate your votes!

Nicole McClain's Music of the Moment: The One I Gave My Heart To by Aaliyah